Children’s thoughts on the ’Anthony Brown Exhibition’ Excursion, end of Art
Therapy sessions, and textbook preparations for second semester>
August, Rainbow Dream visited Seoul Arts Center to see the ‘Anthony Brown
Exhibition’ and we have also conducted Art Therapy sessions.
We originally planned to take our children to the ‘Anthony Brown Exhibition’ in
three separate groups (each group on a different day, over the period of three
days). But since we could only receive group discounts only when there are more
than 20 members in a group, we had to rearrange the schedule and took our
children to the exhibition on the 3rd and 7th of August.
Mothers, children, and volunteers all included, about 60 members have gone on
this exciting excursion.
Overall, our children had an enjoyable time at the museum. Seven-year-old
sungmin said that he liked watching paintings and works of art, and also
commented that his favorite painting was the monkey painting. Our six-year-old
sungjoon said that he really liked the painting of a car. Soobin in third grade
remembered all the paintings as very unique and Jongyeon in second grade loved
the green shade in one of the paintings. Lastly, Jeehae, who was the most
immersed in our museum experience, said that the more she watched the
paintings, they became the more interesting and also that it was fun to watch
all those paintings. A mother remarked that it was so nice to be able to come
see an art exhibition, especially since it is not a commonplace activity for
them, and that the children loved it as well.
would like to give special thanks to Happy Move management members, Kim
Jinyeong, Choe Jeeyoung, Nam chanwoo, and also to teachers Lee Hyeonjoo and Lee
Meelim who were of great help in this small trip, and finally to volunteer Jung
Meehyeon who kindly offered to take Saemin’s family separately to the museum
and act as their guide.
month, Happy Move mentoring party was held on the 20th with the ‘slipper-making’
activity. On that very same day, we completed our 5week program of Art Therapy
sessions for mothers and children. In our Mothers’ Class, mothers mostly from
Vietnam participated and they agreed to take more sessions and meet again with
our therapy teacher next winter. Opportunely, we have received cosmetic
donations and so we were able to give small gifts to the mothers and teachers.
that schools have entered into their second semester, we made large purchases
for elementary school second semester textbooks and distributed them during our
Saturday School sessions. For those Rainbow children who never miss class and work
hard, we gave them their own exercise books as presents and for children who are
frequently absent, we chose to give one exercise book per two children (for two
of them to share). Though buying books cost us more than hundred and fifty
thousand won, because we had about four hundred thousand won left over from our
‘Anthony Brown Exhibition’ (ticket-buying) donation, we were able to buy our
children’s books without much problem. We thank all of our sponsors for your
generous donation.
Lastly, we have some pleasant news that our Rainbow Dream social
cooperative was introduced in the official blog managed by the Ministry of
Strategy and Finance and Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency under the
title, “Meeting Rainbow Dream, a Cooperative with the Harmony of Laughter and
Happiness.” You can check out more details and information below.