News of July
Parent Education Class and
Sanitary Napkin Donation
It has been a year since we began parent education classes
for mothers who are migrant women. We hold this class every other week (on
Saturdays). For the first thirty minutes of class, mothers learn how to make
Korean cuisine, small decorations, and the like. After this, teachers lecture
on how to be a caring parent. To inform you of some changes in the mothers,
mothers who were suffering from helplessness and lethargy now try to care more
about their children. With their education in how to converse with children and
new skills in making things, mothers are opening up and showing some
Also, since more 5th grader female students have
been visiting our Saturday School, we came to think about supporting sanitary
napkins for these female students. After hearing our concerns, board member Park Yoon-Ae (International Association for Volunteer Effort,
Asia-Pacific Region Representative) contacted Yuhan-kimberly Ltd. They have
agreed to donate 25boxes of sanitary napkins to our organization.
We request your generous support so that
our multicultural children can grow up to be the future pillars of our society
as well as of the international community. Thank you.