제목 News of March 등록일 2018.08.28 14:47
글쓴이 다문화 너머서 조회 830

News of March

This month, we have uploaded our ‘2017 management disclosure,’ which is an essential requirement for a social cooperative, on the ‘cooperative’ website, and now, government agencies are examining this disclosure. Rainbow Dream promises always to keep a transparent and exact report.

From April, we will begin a new program. This is a continued and extended version of our Art Therapy Class (conducted during Summer and Winter vacations). Only this time, we would like to operate this program in visiting form. Since the children and parents who will be participating in this program have gone through some serious domestic violence, we hope this program will be able to stir up some creativity in the children and help them regain concentration.

At Saturday School, we have something to be thankful for. For study sessions, we need a coordinator to match up each child with an appropriate volunteer teacher. And volunteer Ha Jung-mee has been coming every week (now for a year) to offer her help in coordinating our children with volunteer teachers. Also, for art sessions, volunteer Lim Mee-ra, who used to teach as a university professor, has been coming in for three months to teach advanced art sessions.

On the 31st of March, we are planning to conduct an ‘Art Psychological Test’ on all our children and hold parent consultations. ‘Art Psychological Test’ is particularly needed for Rainbow Dream children because many of our children experience difficulty when they go back to school and meet their new homeroom teacher as well as new friends. This is partly due to the fact that some children are still struggling with the Korean language and find it difficult to communicate with their teachers and friends. But we sincerely hope that we could altogether fight through this hardship with our art therapy and parent education sessions. 

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